BHS SONTHOFEN GMBH BF 100 - 065 for sale

Price: POA
BHS Sonthofen GmbH, BF 100 - 065 Belt Filter

Factory constructed in a framed table of painted mild steel. The table is raised off a floor by additional fabricated 1.5-meter steel supported legs.

The BHS Belt Filter is a continuously operating horizontal vacuum belt filter, driven entirely by pneumatic force. Belt filters are used to filter slurries containing solid material. The equipment was manufactured and imported into New Zealand in 2015 for the purpose of research and development for the extracting of protein solid from dairy factory waste water discharge.

A general schematic diagram detailing the principle operational method of the BHS Belt Filter table and associated post processes. (Note: In the diagram the Unit No. F-21574 has only one Filtrate Separation tank)

The filter medium is an endless, circulating permeable filter belt moving forward in cycles entirely by pneumatic force. The major components of the drive system are a belt drive roller assembly (6), at the filter cake discharge end, and a belt tensioning roller assembly (7) at the opposite end. The belt is fixed in place by a locking roller (9) which is moved through the filter cloth by the forward and backward motion of the belt drive roller and the belt tensioning roller caused by pneumatic force occurring in cycles at selectable intervals.

The filter belt advances only when there is no filtration, i.e. when no vacuum is applied to the underside of the cake-carrying portion of the belt. The cyclical change between evacuation of the vacuum trays during the suction phase and their ventilation for the purpose of allowing the belt to move forward is affected by the opening and closing of pneumatically controlled flap valves.
Listing TypeUsed
Stock NumberS32

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